So here I am awake at 2 am. It's probably due to the much needed afternoon nap. The past week has been great. California was amazing, even if Hollywood wasn't as I pictured it to be. For your information, Hollywood is ghetto and the American Idol studio is small. I guess it's true that everything is smaller and ghetto in real life. Las Vegas was another story. The buildings there were beatuiful and as the saying goes "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." But, did we really even do anything in Vegas? Not really. Haha. I remember we were supposed to go clubbing and ended up playing cards in the hotel because we were too tired. Good times! Anyway, this weekend was photoshoot-filled and this week will continue to be as well. God has been opening more doors and opportunities for me to delve deeper into the photography world and I love it! It's been great doing freelance photography on the side. The past few days I had the opportunity to work with Celia, John and Jadee. They all did an awesome job modeling and they helped me create some great images.